Best Money Clips is the best place on the Internet for Titanium Money Clips, Gold Money Clips, and many more types of money clips.


Gold Ingot Money Clip

This is an example of a money clip with a gold ingot bonded to the surface of the titanium after the surface is roughened with an abrasive. The beauty of this baby is that with the rising price of gold this money clip may actually be a profitable investment for you. You can use this money clip and look stylish and all the while every time gold goes up in price the value of your money clip will increase!

A gold money clip is not for everyone and is best for people that want to add a bit of flash when they pull their money out of their suit jacket. Most people like to look good when they are paying out their hard earned cash and by using this titanium and gold money clip they can do just that!

Titanium is much more common than gold, however, the cost of extracting it is high, so it is still expensive, but not nearly as dear as gold, which has hit an amazing $1,000 an ounce! That is amazing because at one time gold was almost considered to have totally lost it’s lustre for good. With current stability worldwide anyone who bought gold a few years ago is looking pretty smart right now!!

Have fun in your search for the perfect money clip and if you like this page be sure to link to it or add it to your bookmarks!!